
Showing posts from June, 2020

What Are the Benefits of Having a Personal Trainer?

The fitness industry is an expansive place and finding the answers to you fitness questions can be challenging to say the least. The internet is filled with misinformation based on companies trying to sell you on their product or workout program. Hiring a personal trainer is   a great way to skip all the bullshit and fast track your fitness goals. Here are a few examples of what I mean. ·         Providing General Knowledge — When embarking on a fitness journey, there are many necessary components that you need to understand if you want to get results. How long should you workout for? Which exercises should you do? How much of each exercise? What muscle should you be focusing on for each exercise? How long should you rest between workouts? What food should you eat? What supplements should you take? Do you need to do cardio? If so, how much cardio? These are all valid questions that a personal trainer can quickly answer for you, saving...